Thursday 20 December 2012 | 12:54 |
You see Zayn Malik diatas, adorable and ?*takde orang puji laki adorable, handsome adalah*. Baiklah, Zayn Malik handsome. SKIP. Okay now see New Look blogger tester ni? Template ni Sofi nak masukkan dalam blogskins lepas buat post ni. Tapi agak banyak kerja. 4 hari Sofi siapkan template ni. Akibat banyak sangat CANCEL. Oh ye, Sofi sekarang ni tengah belajar buat Navigation. Tolong-tolong lah ye recommend blog yang ajar tutorial Navigation. Tak tahu Navigation tu apa? Rujuk gambar bawah--->
Sofi pinjam Lettha punya blog, jom lah rombongan blog dia SINI. Beli lah apa-apa yang puas janji jangan curi ye*Jagalah tangan tu, btw, ni untuk orang yang suka bukak page source orang yang tak suka bukak page source Sofi tak tujukan kepada korang yang tak suka bukak page source orang.*. Okay-okay, taktau cakap apa, btw, lepas Sofi buat blogskins rate lah ye. Jasa korang sangat Sofi hargai kan. Klah, assalammualaikum dan bye.

Older Post
Real Fantasy
Profile (s)
Full Name : Wan Sofia Binti Wan Zainuzzaman
Shorties Name : Sofia
Teen Age : 10 *actually not Teen*
First Breathing : 14 Jan 2002
Stay : Kuala Lumpur
Hobby | Favorite : Roller coaster and All new Trend
Ambition : Dentist/Pilot/Surgery.
Any Fact (s)
One:Ice cream, of course.
Two:Allah,nabi & rasul and malaikat, must be my first love.
Three: Prank people, sometime.
Four:Apple and Samsung phone touch screen the latest one, love it.
Five:Now Im in love with Youtuber, absolutely my first tab.

Hate(s):Copypaste, Haters, Hypocrite, jiwang
Le Biases(S)
My Ultimate Bias :

Hello, my Bias is------>

T-ara, Girls Generation, BigBang, G Dragon, Psy, Maroon 5, One Direction, Taylor Swift, Megan Nicole, Tiffany Alvord, Christina Grimmie and Megan & Liz.
The Twinkle Linkies
The Twins

This template is 100% edited by me. Please keep your hand from Open Page Source or you die. Base/basic code: Lettha
Sidebar image: Favim
Top button by: Diya